Besides a speaker's reasoning, which factor might affect a person's impression of the arguments in a radio speech?(1 point)


the speaker's visual aids
the speaker's visual aids

the speaker's appearance
the speaker's appearance

the background music
the background music

the speaker's height

the background music

the speaker's height

The factor that might affect a person's impression of the arguments in a radio speech, besides the speaker's reasoning, could be the speaker's visual aids, the speaker's appearance, the background music, or the speaker's height.

To determine which factor is the correct answer, we can consider the nature of a radio speech. Since a radio speech is an audio-only medium, the speaker's visual aids and appearance may not have a direct impact on the listener because they cannot see the speaker. Therefore, these factors are less likely to affect a person's impression of the arguments in a radio speech.

On the other hand, background music can significantly influence the listener's impression. The choice of music, its volume, and the way it complements the speech can create a particular mood or evoke specific emotions in the listener, which can affect their perception of the arguments being presented.

Therefore, the correct answer is "the background music" because it is a factor that can impact a person's impression of the arguments in a radio speech.

all the bots are giving me different answers??