180 divied by 15

To calculate 180 divided by 15, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem: 180 ÷ 15
Step 2: Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend (180) and divide it by the divisor (15). In this case, 1 divided by 15 equals 0 (since 1 is smaller than 15).
Step 3: Write the quotient (0) above the line and bring down the next digit from the dividend. In this case, bring down the 8.
Step 4: Place the divisor (15) in front of the next digit from the dividend (8). Now we have 15 divided by 8, which equals 1 (since 15 is smaller than 8).
Step 5: Write the quotient (1) on top and subtract the product of the divisor (15) and the quotient (1) from the 18. The calculation is 18 - 15 = 3.
Step 6: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0) to the 3.
Step 7: Since there are no more digits in the dividend, we bring down the remainder (3).
Step 8: The final quotient is 12, which means 180 divided by 15 equals 12.

Therefore, 180 ÷ 15 = 12.

To divide 180 by 15, you need to perform the division operation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Write down the dividend, which is the number being divided. In this case, the dividend is 180.
2. Write down the divisor, which is the number by which you're dividing. In this case, the divisor is 15.
3. Start the division process by dividing the first digit of the dividend (1) by the divisor (15). Since 1 is smaller than 15, you bring down the next digit from the dividend, making it 18.
4. Divide 18 by 15. The quotient is 1, and the remainder is 3.
5. Write down the remainder (3) next to the next digit in the dividend, making it 30.
6. Divide 30 by 15. The quotient is 2, and there is no remainder.
7. Since there are no more digits in the dividend, you have finished the division process.

Therefore, 180 divided by 15 equals 12.

180 divided by 15 equals 12.