Tina was writing a report about the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska. Tina included this information about the weather in Fairbanks in her report.

• Average Summer Temperature: 57°F
• Average Winter Temperature: -18°F
What was the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in *F

The difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 75°F.

To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, you need to subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature.

Average Summer Temperature: 57°F
Average Winter Temperature: -18°F

Difference = Average Summer Temperature - Average Winter Temperature
Difference = 57°F - (-18°F)

To subtract a negative number, you can change the subtraction to addition and change the sign of the second number:

Difference = 57°F + 18°F

Adding 57°F and 18°F gives us:

Difference = 75°F

Therefore, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 75°F.

To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, we need to subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature.

Here's how you can do it:
1. Take the average summer temperature, which is 57°F.
2. Take the average winter temperature, which is -18°F.
3. Subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature:
Difference = Average Summer Temperature - Average Winter Temperature
Difference = 57°F - (-18°F)

Now, let's simplify the expression:
Difference = 57°F + 18°F
Difference = 75°F

Therefore, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 75°F.