In the marketing research process which of the following steps happens after marketers define the problem

they define the problem
they interpret the data and make recommendations
they analyze and interpret the data
they develop a research design

The correct step that happens after marketers define the problem is "they develop a research design." This is the step where researchers plan and outline the specific methods and procedures they will use to collect data and address the research problem.

In the marketing research process, after marketers define the problem, the next step is to develop a research design.

In the marketing research process, the step that happens after marketers define the problem is "they develop a research design." Here's how you can understand this sequence:

1. Define the problem: Marketers begin by identifying the specific issue or challenge they want to address through their research. This step involves clearly stating the problem statement, understanding the scope, and determining the objectives.

2. Develop a research design: Once the problem is defined, marketers move on to designing the research study. In this step, they determine the research approach, data collection methods, and sampling techniques that will be used to gather relevant data. The research design outlines the strategies and procedures to be employed to obtain the necessary information.

3. Analyze and interpret the data: After the research design is finalized and implemented, marketers collect the data by conducting surveys, interviews, or observations. Once the data is obtained, it needs to be carefully analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques and tools. This analysis helps to make sense of the data and extract meaningful insights.

4. Interpret the data and make recommendations: In this step, marketers transform the analyzed data into actionable recommendations. They interpret the findings in the context of the research objectives and draw conclusions based on the data. These conclusions serve as the basis for making informed strategic decisions or developing effective marketing strategies.

So, to summarize, in the marketing research process, after defining the problem, marketers typically develop a research design, then proceed to collect and analyze the data, and finally interpret the findings to make recommendations.