Use the table to answer the question.

Hours Worked 1 4 7 10 x
Money Earned y $48 $84 $120 $156
Landon works at a movie theater. Yesterday he worked 4 hours and made $48. How much money will he make in 1 hour? How many hours does he need to work to make $156?

(1 point)
Hours Worked 1 4 7 10
Money Earned $
$48 $84 $120 $156

To find out how much money Landon will make in 1 hour, we can divide the money earned by the number of hours worked.

In this case, Landon worked 4 hours and made $48. So, if we divide $48 by 4 hours, we get:

48 / 4 = $12

So, Landon will make $12 in 1 hour.

To find out how many hours Landon needs to work to make $156, we can look at the table.

We see that when Landon works 10 hours, he makes $156. So, Landon needs to work 10 hours to make $156.

To find out how much money Landon will make in 1 hour, we can look at the table.

According to the table, when Landon works 4 hours, he makes $48. So, we can calculate how much money he makes per hour by dividing the total money earned by the number of hours worked.

Money earned/hour = Money earned / Hours worked

Money earned/hour = $48 / 4

Money earned/hour = $12

Therefore, Landon will make $12 in one hour.

Now, let's find out how many hours Landon needs to work to make $156. We can also look at the table for this information.

According to the table, when Landon works 10 hours, he makes $156. So, the number of hours he needs to work to make $156 is 10.

To find how much money Landon will make in 1 hour, we can look at the relationship between the hours worked and the money earned. From the table, we can see that when Landon worked 4 hours, he made $48.

So, to find how much Landon will make in 1 hour, we need to divide the money earned by the number of hours worked. In this case, that would be $48 divided by 4.

This calculation gives us $12. Therefore, Landon will make $12 in 1 hour.

Now, let's determine how many hours Landon needs to work to make $156. From the table, we can see that when Landon worked 10 hours, he made $156.

So, to find how many hours Landon needs to work to make $156, we need to look at the corresponding value in the hours worked column. In this case, that would be 10 hours.

Therefore, Landon needs to work 10 hours to make $156.