Which option describes passive voice in a sentence?(1 point)


The sentence uses present tense verbs.
The sentence uses present tense verbs.

The sentence uses past tense verbs.
The sentence uses past tense verbs.

The subject performs the action stated by the verb.
The subject performs the action stated by the verb.

The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The correct option that describes passive voice in a sentence is: The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The correct option that describes passive voice in a sentence is:

"The subject is acted upon by the verb."

Passive voice is a grammatical construction where the subject of a sentence is the one receiving the action of the verb, rather than performing the action itself. In passive voice sentences, the focus is on the object or what is being acted upon, rather than the subject performing the action. Passive voice is often formed by using a form of the verb "to be" together with the past participle of the main verb.

To identify passive voice in a sentence, look for these indicators: the verb form of "to be" (such as "is," "are," "was," "were," etc.) and the past participle of the main verb (usually ending in "-ed" or irregular forms).

For example:
Active voice: "John baked the cake."
Passive voice: "The cake was baked by John."

In the active voice, the subject "John" performs the action of baking the cake. In the passive voice, the subject (cake) is being acted upon (baked) by the verb.

So, the correct option for describing passive voice in a sentence is "The subject is acted upon by the verb."