Compared to the rest of the children in the world, the children in Costa Rica _______.

(1 point)

are very literate
are very literate

remain uneducated
remain uneducated

are worldly, but illiterate
are worldly, but illiterate

have short school years

are very literate

Compared to the rest of the children in the world, the children in Costa Rica are very literate.

To find the answer to this question, one can start by looking up information about the literacy rates and education system in Costa Rica. This can be done by searching for data or reports from credible sources such as government statistics or reputable organizations like UNESCO or World Bank. These sources often provide information about literacy rates and education indicators for different countries.

Once you have obtained information about Costa Rica's literacy rates and education system, you can compare it to the global average or data from other countries to determine how the children in Costa Rica fare in comparison to children in the rest of the world.

Based on the information available, it is generally known that Costa Rica has a high literacy rate and a relatively strong education system compared to many other countries. Therefore, the correct answer to the question would be that the children in Costa Rica are very literate compared to the rest of the children in the world.