In 1-2 sentences explain how access to natural resources can lead to border disputes between two

or more countries. (2 points)

Access to natural resources can lead to border disputes between countries when the resources, such as oil or freshwater, are located in areas that overlap or are claimed by multiple nations, resulting in conflicts over ownership and exploitation.

Access to natural resources can lead to border disputes between countries when there is a disagreement over the ownership or control of those resources, as each country may seek to gain strategic or economic advantages by asserting their territorial claims.

To get more information about this topic, you can conduct a search on scholarly articles, news sources, or books related to border disputes and natural resources. Additionally, exploring case studies or historical examples of conflicts over natural resources can provide further insights into this issue.

Access to natural resources can lead to border disputes as countries may compete for control of these resources, leading to tensions and conflicts over territorial claims and boundaries. Additionally, disputes may arise when the distribution and exploitation of resources are perceived as unfair by one or more countries, further fueling border conflicts.