Which energy policy could be used to address environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions?(1 point)

regulations on the creation of wind farms
subsidies for renewable energy
taxes on renewable energy
public works to support the creation of new oil pipelines

subsidies for renewable energy

The energy policy that could be used to address environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions is subsidies for renewable energy.

To get to this answer, you can examine each option and evaluate its potential impact on pollution and carbon emissions.

1. Regulations on the creation of wind farms: While wind farms can contribute to clean energy production, regulations on their creation might not directly address pollution and carbon emissions. Instead, these regulations focus on specific guidelines for wind farm development and operation. Therefore, this option may not be the most effective policy for addressing environmental concerns related to pollution and carbon emissions.

2. Subsidies for renewable energy: Subsidies for renewable energy can incentivize the adoption and expansion of clean energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. By providing financial support, this policy encourages the development of technologies that reduce pollution and carbon emissions. Therefore, subsidies for renewable energy are a suitable policy to address environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions.

3. Taxes on renewable energy: Taxing renewable energy might discourage its adoption rather than promoting it. Since renewable energy sources already contribute to reducing pollution and carbon emissions, implementing taxes may dampen the growth of clean energy technologies. Consequently, this option might not be the most effective energy policy to address environmental concerns related to pollution and carbon emissions.

4. Public works to support the creation of new oil pipelines: Although the creation of new oil pipelines might have economic implications, it does not directly address the environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions. In fact, oil pipelines can contribute to environmental damage, including oil spills and leaks. Therefore, public works to support the creation of new oil pipelines are not a suitable energy policy for addressing environmental concerns related to pollution and carbon emissions.

In conclusion, subsidies for renewable energy can effectively address environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions, making it the most suitable energy policy among the options provided.

The energy policy that could be used to address environmental concerns around pollution and carbon emissions is subsidies for renewable energy.