When painting a portrait of a face in proportion, it is important to do all of the following, except

A: to keep the size of the ear the same size as the eye
B: to keep the corners of the mouth lined up with the center of the eye
C: to keep the width of the nose the same width as the eye
D: to keep the location of the eyes in the center of the head

D: to keep the location of the eyes in the center of the head

To answer this question, we need to understand the principles of proportion in portrait painting. Proportions refer to the relationship between different parts of an object or a subject, in this case, the features of a face.

A: Option A states that it is important to keep the size of the ear the same size as the eye. This is generally a correct guideline, as maintaining proper proportions is crucial for creating a realistic representation of a face.

B: Option B suggests that it is important to keep the corners of the mouth aligned with the center of the eye. This is also a valid principle, as it helps maintain the harmony and balance of facial features.

C: Option C states that it is important to keep the width of the nose the same width as the eye. This is another correct guideline, as the size and width of the nose should be proportional to other features of the face.

D: Option D suggests that it is important to keep the location of the eyes in the center of the head. This is not an accurate guideline. In fact, the placement of the eyes should follow specific proportion rules, such as the distance between the eyes being approximately equal to the width of one eye.

Based on the explanations above, the option that does not belong is:
D: to keep the location of the eyes in the center of the head.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

The correct answer is A: to keep the size of the ear the same size as the eye. When painting a portrait of a face in proportion, it is important to keep the corners of the mouth lined up with the center of the eye, keep the width of the nose the same width as the eye, and keep the location of the eyes in the center of the head. However, there is no specific requirement to keep the size of the ear the same size as the eye.