Approximately how many new small businesses does the Small Business Administration estimate close during their first year of operation?

(1. point)

A. Slightly more than three fourths
B. Slightly less than one fourth
C. Slightly more than on half
D. Slightly less than one third

D. Slightly less than one third

To find the answer to this question, we need to look up the estimate provided by the Small Business Administration (SBA).

First, go to the official website of the Small Business Administration.

Next, look for information related to business closures or failure rates. This may be found in their reports, publications, or data sections. Look specifically for statistics or estimates related to small business closures during the first year of operation.

Once you find the appropriate information, you can determine the answer to the question based on the provided options (A, B, C, or D).

Remember to consider the wording of the options and compare it with the statistic or estimate you find. Based on this information, you should be able to provide the correct answer.

The Small Business Administration estimates that slightly less than one third of new small businesses close during their first year of operation. Therefore, the answer is option D. Slightly less than one third.