Express your answer in scientific notation. 8.3 × 109 − 2.1 × 107 (1 point) Responses −8.279 × 109 −8.279 × 109 6.20 × 102 6.20 × 102 8.279 × 109 8.279 × 109 −6.20 × 102

8.3 × 109 - 2.1 × 107 can be expressed in scientific notation as 8.279 × 109

To subtract these two numbers in scientific notation, you need to have the same exponent.

First, note that 8.3 × 10^9 and 2.1 × 10^7 both have positive exponents.

Next, we need to convert 2.1 × 10^7 to have the same exponent as 8.3 × 10^9.

To do this, we can divide 2.1 by 10 and add 1 to the exponent.

2.1 ÷ 10 = 0.21

10^7 × 0.21 = 2.1 × 10^6

Now, subtracting 8.3 × 10^9 and 2.1 × 10^6 gives us:

8.3 × 10^9 - 2.1 × 10^6 = 8.3 × 10^9 - 2.1 × 10^6

Since the exponents are the same, we can subtract the coefficients:

8.3 - 2.1 = 6.2

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is 6.2 × 10^9.

To express the given expression in scientific notation, we can subtract the numbers and then rewrite the result in scientific notation.

8.3 × 10^9 - 2.1 × 10^7 = 8.3 × 10^9 - 0.21 × 10^8

To subtract the numbers, we need to make the exponents of the powers of 10 the same. We can do this by moving the decimal point one place to the right in 0.21 × 10^8, which gives us:

8.3 × 10^9 - 0.021 × 10^9

Now that the exponents are the same, we can subtract the numbers:

8.3 × 10^9 - 0.021 × 10^9 = 8.279 × 10^9

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is 8.279 × 10^9.