In 2 or more sentences, explain what central idea means. What are things you look for in a text to find the central idea? ( 2 points )

The central idea refers to the main point or message the author is trying to convey in a text. To find the central idea, one should look for recurring themes, key supporting details, and the overall tone and perspective of the author.

The central idea refers to the main point or theme of a text, which provides a clear focus and direction for the content. To identify the central idea, one should look for repeated key phrases or concepts, the overall tone or message of the text, and the main arguments or points presented by the author. Additionally, examining the supporting details and evidence can help determine the central idea.

The central idea refers to the main concept or theme that the author wants to convey through a text. When looking for the central idea, you should pay attention to recurring keywords or phrases, the author's main arguments or points, and the overall message or purpose of the text.