A cookie recipe for 60 cookies calls for 4 cups of flour. How much flour is needed to make 90 cookies?

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion by comparing the number of cookies to the amount of flour needed.

Let's call the amount of flour needed for 90 cookies "x". We can set up the following proportion:

4 cups of flour / 60 cookies = x cups of flour / 90 cookies

Cross-multiplying, we get:

60 * x = 90 * 4

Simplifying, we have:

60x = 360

Dividing both sides by 60, we find:

x = 6

Therefore, to make 90 cookies, you will need 6 cups of flour.

To find out how much flour is needed to make 90 cookies instead of 60, we can use a proportion.

A proportion is an equation that shows two ratios are equal. In this case, we can set up a proportion using the number of cookies and the amount of flour:

60 cookies / 4 cups of flour = 90 cookies / x cups of flour

To find the value of x (the amount of flour needed for 90 cookies), we can cross-multiply and solve for x.

(60 cookies) * (x cups of flour) = (4 cups of flour) * (90 cookies)

60x = 4 * 90

60x = 360

Now, we divide both sides of the equation by 60 to isolate x:

x = 360 / 60

x = 6

Therefore, to make 90 cookies, you will need 6 cups of flour.

To calculate the amount of flour needed to make 90 cookies, we can use a proportion.

Let's set up the proportion with the known information:

60 cookies require 4 cups of flour.

90 cookies require x cups of flour.

We can set up the proportion as:

60 cookies / 4 cups = 90 cookies / x cups

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:

60x = 4 * 90

60x = 360

Divide both sides by 60:

x = 360 / 60

x = 6

Therefore, to make 90 cookies, you will need 6 cups of flour.