Why would a student include an allusion to Mr. Krabs ( from SpongeBob), a cheap and greedy owner of the Krusty Krab restaurant, when describing a friend who does not want to let them borrow 25 cents? ( 1 point )

1. To show how famous people are remembered

2 To show the importance of saving money

3. To show that student's friend is tight with their money

4. To show tht we should all be like Mr. Krabs

The correct answer is option 3.

By including an allusion to Mr. Krabs, a known character who is characterized as cheap and greedy, the student is implying that their friend is similar in behavior and unwilling to lend them a small amount of money. This suggests that the friend is tight with their money and unwilling to share or lend it to others.

The correct answer is option 3: To show that the student's friend is tight with their money.

By including an allusion to Mr. Krabs, a famous character known for his cheapness and greed in the TV show SpongeBob SquarePants, the student is indirectly comparing their friend to Mr. Krabs in terms of being unwilling to lend them just 25 cents. This allusion is used to illustrate that the friend is being similarly reluctant and unwilling to part with their money, highlighting their tightfisted nature.

To arrive at the correct answer, it is important to understand the context of the situation and recognize the traits associated with Mr. Krabs as a character. With this knowledge, option 3 becomes the most logical choice as it best describes the intention behind the inclusion of the allusion.

The correct answer in this scenario would be option 3: To show that the student's friend is tight with their money.

By making an allusion to Mr. Krabs, who is known for being cheap and greedy, the student is drawing a comparison between their friend and Mr. Krabs' behavior. This suggests that the student's friend doesn't want to lend them 25 cents because they are unwilling to part with even a small amount of money, similar to how Mr. Krabs is portrayed as being stingy with his wealth.