It ranked 464 inches in the rain forest in the last 2 yeats.on average how much tsin fell on 1 year

To determine the average amount of rain that fell in one year in the rainforest, we divide the total amount of rain that fell in the last 2 years (464 inches) by the number of years (2 years).

Average annual rainfall = Total rainfall / Number of years
Average annual rainfall = 464 inches / 2 years
Average annual rainfall = 232 inches per year

Therefore, on average, 232 inches of rain fell in one year in the rainforest.

To find out the average amount of rainfall that fell in one year, given that 464 inches of rain fell in the last 2 years, you need to divide the total amount of rainfall by the number of years.

In this case, since we are given the rainfall for 2 years, we need to divide 464 inches by 2 years to get the average amount of rainfall per year.

464 inches / 2 years = 232 inches per year

Therefore, the average amount of rain that fell in one year is 232 inches.

To determine the average amount of rain that fell in one year, we need to divide the total rainfall over two years by two.

464 inches ÷ 2 = 232 inches

Therefore, on average, approximately 232 inches of rain fell in one year in the rainforest.