(From “more variety for Kennedy PE Classes”, Illuminate) question: a person reading this text can make the assumption that the author conducted research on this topic

False. The text does not provide any information indicating that the author conducted research on this topic.

To determine whether the author conducted research on the topic of "more variety for Kennedy PE Classes," we need to analyze the text for evidence. Here's how you can make an assumption based on the information provided:

1. Look for explicit statements: Read the text carefully to see if the author directly states that they conducted research. Look for phrases such as "through research" or "based on my research." If you find such statements, then you can conclude that the author conducted research on the topic.

2. Identify supporting evidence: Check if the author provides any data, statistics, or expert opinions related to the topic. These pieces of evidence can indicate that the author has done research and incorporated it into their writing.

3. Consider the depth of analysis: Assess the level of detail and analysis in the text. If the author explores different aspects of the topic, discusses potential benefits and drawbacks, or provides suggestions based on their findings, it suggests that they have conducted research.

4. Evaluate the credibility of the source: Consider the source of the text. If it comes from a reputable publication, a known expert in the field, or a well-established organization, it increases the likelihood that the author conducted research.

By analyzing these factors, you can make an assumption about whether the author of the text conducted research on the topic of "more variety for Kennedy PE Classes."

To determine if the author conducted research on the topic of "more variety for Kennedy PE classes" in the text titled "Illuminate," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text: Begin by carefully reading the entire text. Pay attention to any information that suggests the author conducted research.

2. Look for citations or sources: Check if the author includes any citations or references to support their claims or ideas. Look for mentions of research studies, surveys, interviews, or other sources of information.

3. Examine the tone and language: Consider the language and tone used by the author. If the text includes words or phrases such as "study," "research," "data," "findings," or "results," it could indicate that the author conducted research on the topic.

4. Check for firsthand experiences: See if the author shares any firsthand experiences or observations that suggest they conducted research. For example, if they mention personally visiting different PE classes or interviewing students and teachers, it implies some level of research.

5. Assess the credibility of the author: Consider the credibility of the author. If they are an expert in the field of physical education or have a background in research, it increases the likelihood that they conducted research on the topic. Look for any qualifications or credentials mentioned.

6. Consider the purpose of the text: Think about the purpose of the text. If the author's goal is to inform or persuade the readers about the benefits of more variety in PE classes, conducting research on the topic would enhance their argument.

Based on these steps, you should be able to assess whether the author of the text conducted research on the topic of "more variety for Kennedy PE classes" in "Illuminate."

Question: A person reading this text can make the assumption that the author has conducted research on this topic. This is best supporting by which of the following? (1 point) Responses However, many of today's youth have somehow gotten lost in the world of tablets, video games, and endless hours of staring contests with televisions. However, many of today's youth have somehow gotten lost in the world of tablets, video games, and endless hours of staring contests with televisions. Yet according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), physical activity in adolescents improves strength and endurance, helps build strong bones, reduces stress, increases self-esteem, and it is also known to increase brain function. Yet according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), physical activity in adolescents improves strength and endurance, helps build strong bones, reduces stress, increases self-esteem, and it is also known to increase brain function. Even though schools provide an opportunity for students to exercise, there are students who are just not interested in traditional PE courses. Even though schools provide an opportunity for students to exercise, there are students who are just not interested in traditional PE courses. For outdoor enthusiasts, offer a course that includes all outdoor activities such as rock climbing, hiking, and biking.