in what way did the Assyrians simply copy what others had accomplished

The Assyrians often copied and borrowed from the civilizations that came before them in various ways. Some of these include:

1. Administrative and political systems: The Assyrians adopted the bureaucratic administrative practices of the Akkadian Empire and other Mesopotamian civilizations. They established a well-organized bureaucracy with different government departments and economic institutions.

2. Legal and judicial systems: The Assyrians borrowed and adapted their legal codes from the older Babylonian and Sumerian legal systems. They incorporated laws and legal procedures for matters like property rights, marriage, and inheritance.

3. Cultural and artistic influences: The Assyrians were heavily influenced by the artistic styles and cultural practices of earlier civilizations. They adopted and adapted artistic motifs, architectural designs, and religious practices from the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Hittites.

4. Writing systems and literature: The Assyrians used the cuneiform script, which was originally developed by the Sumerians. They adopted and continued the tradition of writing literature, legal documents, historical annals, and administrative records in cuneiform.

5. Military strategies and technologies: The Assyrians were known for their military prowess and adopted various military strategies and technologies used by earlier civilizations. They learned siege warfare techniques from the Babylonians, developed chariot armies like the Hittites, and incorporated advanced weapons like iron weaponry.

It is important to note that while the Assyrians borrowed from earlier civilizations, they also made significant contributions and advancements in various fields, such as military tactics, engineering, and administrative systems.

The Assyrians were known for their ability to assimilate and adopt various ideas, technologies, and cultural practices from other civilizations. They didn't necessarily copy everything outright, but rather, they often adopted and incorporated ideas and innovations from others into their own culture and empire. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Read historical texts: Start by researching historical texts that discuss the Assyrian Empire. Look for specific references or descriptions of the Assyrians adopting ideas from other civilizations. Primary sources like inscriptions, annals, and royal records can provide valuable insights into this topic.

2. Study archaeological findings: Archaeological excavations can unearth artifacts and structures that reveal the extent of Assyrian assimilation. Investigate archaeological reports or books that explore Assyrian sites and artifacts. Look for evidence of foreign influences in their architecture, art, or material culture.

3. Investigate diplomatic relations: Study the diplomatic relations of the Assyrians with other contemporary civilizations. They had extensive contact and trade connections with other empires such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Hittites. Investigate how diplomatic interactions and intercultural exchanges influenced Assyrian practices and innovations.

4. Analyze conquered territories: The Assyrians were territorial conquerors; they expanded their empire through military campaigns. Analyze the areas they conquered or ruled over, and identify cultural, technological, or administrative practices that the Assyrians may have adopted from those regions.

5. Explore written accounts from other civilizations: Look for accounts or records from other civilizations that interacted with the Assyrians. For example, texts from the Neo-Babylonians or the Arameans might shed light on how Assyrians adopted elements from their culture.

Remember, drawing definitive conclusions about the extent of copying or assimilation by the Assyrians requires a comprehensive analysis of multiple sources and perspectives.

The Assyrians, known for their military prowess and empire-building, did not simply copy what others had accomplished. Instead, they adopted and adapted ideas and technologies from various cultures that they encountered through conquest and trade. Here are some ways in which the Assyrians incorporated and built upon the achievements of others:

1. Administrative Practices: The Assyrians borrowed administrative practices from their predecessors like the Sumerians and Babylonians. This included systems for record-keeping, taxation, and bureaucracy.

2. Architecture and Urban Planning: Assyrian architects drew inspiration from the Babylonians and adapted their techniques to construct grand palaces, temples, and cities. They incorporated elements like ziggurats and the use of brick and stone in their architectural designs.

3. Siege Warfare: The Assyrians adapted and improved upon the siege warfare techniques used by earlier civilizations. They employed advanced siege engines, such as battering rams and siege towers, and utilized strategies like tunneling and damming to conquer fortified cities.

4. Legal Codes: The Assyrians were influenced by earlier legal codes, particularly the Code of Hammurabi developed by the Babylonians. They incorporated similar laws and regulations into their own legal system.

5. Cultural Influences: Assyrian culture was influenced by the cultural practices of conquered peoples, including the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Hittites. They incorporated various artistic and cultural elements, such as religious symbols, architectural motifs, and literary themes, into their own cultural expressions.

It is important to note that while the Assyrians drew inspiration from others, they also made significant contributions of their own, particularly in terms of military organization, siege warfare, and the establishment of a vast empire.