Solve the following inequality. Graph and check your solution.

-v/2 <=6.5

Choose the correct graph below.

The correct graph is:

<graph depicting a solid line extending from positive infinity on the x-axis to -13, with a filled-in circle at -13, and shading to the left of the line>

To solve the inequality -v/2 <= 6.5, we need to isolate the variable v.

First, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

2 * (-v/2) <= 2 * 6.5

This simplifies to:

-v <= 13

Next, we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by -1. However, when multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality sign. So, we have:

(-1) * (-v) >= (-1) * 13

This gives us:

v >= -13

Now, let's graph the solution on a number line.

Starting from -13, we shade all the values greater than or equal to -13, since our inequality states that v is greater than or equal to -13.


The arrow pointing to the right represents all the values that satisfy the inequality v >= -13.

To check our solution, we can substitute a value greater than or equal to -13 into the original inequality and see if it holds true. Let's try v = -13:

-(-13)/2 <= 6.5

13/2 <= 6.5

6.5 <= 6.5

The inequality is true when v = -13. Therefore, our solution is correct.

The correct graph is the one starting at -13 and shading all the values to the right of -13.

To solve the inequality -v/2 <= 6.5, we can start by multiplying both sides of the inequality by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

-2 * (-v/2) >= 2 * 6.5

This simplifies to:

v >= -13

Now we can graph the solution. The inequality v >= -13 represents all the values of v that are equal to or greater than -13.

To graph this on a number line, we start by plotting a closed circle at -13, indicating that -13 is included in the solution. Then, we draw an arrow to the right to show that all values greater than -13 are also part of the solution.

The correct graph representation would be an arrow pointing to the right from a closed circle at -13.

Please note that I am unable to provide a visual representation here as I am a text-based AI and cannot display images.