what did martin luther king jr. say about hitler?

I'm sorry, but Martin Luther King Jr. did not publicly discuss Adolf Hitler specifically. He focused primarily on civil rights, racial equality, nonviolence, and social justice issues.

To find out what Martin Luther King Jr. said about Hitler, we can turn to his writings and speeches. Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader in the United States who advocated for nonviolent resistance and equality for all people.

While Martin Luther King Jr. did not extensively discuss Adolf Hitler specifically, he did talk about the dangers of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. In his famous "I Have a Dream" speech delivered in 1963, he called for unity and equality among all races, emphasizing the need to overcome hatred and division. He frequently referenced historical events and figures that perpetuated injustice and oppression, but there is no direct mention of Hitler in his most well-known speeches.

It's important to note that researching specific statements or opinions Martin Luther King Jr. might have had about Hitler beyond his well-known speeches and writings might require more in-depth research into his lesser-known works or interviews with the people who were close to him.

Martin Luther King Jr. did not speak extensively about Adolf Hitler. However, in a sermon delivered on November 17, 1957, titled "Loving Your Enemies," he briefly referenced Hitler as an example of someone who used fear and hatred to gain power. King mentioned Hitler to emphasize the need for love and nonviolence in order to counteract such destructive forces. It is important to note that this was just a passing remark and not a comprehensive analysis of Hitler or his ideology.