What is the algebraic expression for the following word phase the quotient of x and 6y

The algebraic expression for "the quotient of x and 6y" is x/(6y).

The algebraic expression for the phrase "the quotient of x and 6y" can be written as x/(6y).

To translate the word phrase "the quotient of x and 6y" into an algebraic expression, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the keywords and their corresponding mathematical operations.
- "Quotient" indicates division.
- "Of" suggests multiplication.

Step 2: Assign variables to the given quantities.
- Let x represent the numerator.
- Let 6y represent the denominator.

Step 3: Write the algebraic expression.
- Since the word phrase says "the quotient of x and 6y," the expression is x divided by 6y.
- The algebraic expression for the given word phrase is x / 6y.

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "the quotient of x and 6y" is x / 6y.