Yoshi wrote the number 7 million 614,000 in scientific notation type the number in the empty box given below to complete the scientific notation blank * 10 ^ 6

7.614 * 10^6

To convert the number 7,614,000 to scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Locate the decimal point in the original number. In this case, it is after the last zero: 7,614,000.

2. Count the number of digits from the decimal point to the rightmost non-zero digit. In this case, there are six digits between the decimal point and the rightmost non-zero digit.

3. Rewrite the number by moving the decimal point to the right of the leftmost non-zero digit and adding a multiplication factor of 10 raised to the power of the number of digits counted in step 2.

In scientific notation, the number 7,614,000 becomes 7.614 × 10^6, where the decimal point has been moved to the left of the original number, and the multiplication factor is 10 raised to the power of 6.

Therefore, the answer to the given blank is 7.614.

To write 7,614,000 in scientific notation, we would move the decimal point six places to the left. Therefore, in scientific notation, 7,614,000 would be written as:

7.614 * 10^6