A detailed scene of a cozy reading nook, with a warm, inviting ambiance and a comfortable chair surrounded by stacks of books. Among the books, hint at the idea of counting, with visible bookmarks placed at certain intervals. To give a visual representation of the question, include 17 books already read and arranged neatly besides the chair, and a pile of books just waiting to be read. The scene should be calming and engaging, encouraging any viewer to dive into the world of literature.

Susan read 17 pages today. That is 8 pages fewer than 13 of the pages she read yesterday. How many pages did she read yesterday?(1 point) pages

This is a reminder to use this sight to check your answers instead of cheating.

Also, the anonymous user who asked the question, made an error and wrote 13 instead of 1/3. We'll say Y is the number of pages Susan read yesterday. This can be expressed as 17 = (1/3)y - 8. To solve for Y, we can arrange the equation. (1/3)y = 17 + 8 to (1/3)y = 25. Multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction, y = 25 * 3. Therefore, Susan read 75 pages yesterday.

Thanks for telling everybody the answer when you said not to cheat, Mrs. B.

Let x be the number of pages Susan read yesterday.

Susan read x-8 pages today.
We know that x-8=17.
Adding 8 to both sides of the equation, we get x=17+8=<<17+8=25>>25 pages. Answer: \boxed{25}.

Let's solve this step-by-step:

1. Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x."

2. We know that today, Susan read 17 pages, which is 8 pages fewer than 13 of the pages she read yesterday. This can be represented as: 17 = (13 - 8) + x.

3. Simplifying the equation, we have: 17 = 5 + x.

4. To isolate the variable, we subtract 5 from both sides of the equation: 17 - 5 = x.

5. Simplifying the equation further: x = 12.

Therefore, Susan read 12 pages yesterday.

To find out how many pages Susan read yesterday, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x". According to the information, today she read 17 pages, which is 8 pages fewer than 13 of the pages she read yesterday.

So, the equation would be: 17 = x - 8(13)

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x":

17 = x - 104

We can isolate "x" by adding 104 to both sides of the equation:

17 + 104 = x

121 = x

Therefore, Susan read 121 pages yesterday.

your answers are not equal