The Dust Bowl had a severe effect on New Mexico because(1 point) Responses it didn't it didn't many New Mexicans were employed in raising crops and livestock many New Mexicans were employed in raising crops and livestock much of New Mexico had urban populations much of New Mexico had urban populations the lack of water wasn't noticeable in our dry state

Many New Mexicans were employed in raising crops and livestock.

The Dust Bowl had a severe effect on New Mexico because many New Mexicans were employed in raising crops and livestock.

To determine how the Dust Bowl had a severe effect on New Mexico, we can examine the historical context of the Dust Bowl and its impact on agriculture and livelihoods in the region.

1. Research the Dust Bowl: Begin by researching the Dust Bowl phenomenon, which occurred during the 1930s in the Great Plains region of the United States, including parts of New Mexico. Familiarize yourself with the causes and effects of the Dust Bowl, including factors such as severe drought, poor farming practices, and excessive soil erosion.

2. Understanding New Mexico's Economy: Next, explore the economy of New Mexico during that time period. While it is true that much of New Mexico had urban populations, it is essential to investigate the significant role that agriculture played in the state's economy. Look for information on the number of New Mexicans involved in raising crops and livestock and how important these activities were for the state's overall economic well-being.

3. Assessing the Impact: Once you have this background knowledge, analyze how the Dust Bowl affected New Mexico specifically in relation to agriculture. Consider factors such as the scarcity of water and the reliance of the agricultural sector on rainfall for irrigation. Moreover, examine the ability of farmers and ranchers to sustain their livelihoods during the severe drought and dust storms. Look for data and accounts that highlight the challenges faced by New Mexicans in agriculture during this period.

By conducting this research and analysis, you should be able to determine that the Dust Bowl did have a severe effect on New Mexico, primarily due to the significant employment and reliance on agricultural activities in the state's economy.