Which statement correctly compares synthesis and decomposition reactions?

Meme Creator - Funny at least I know the difference between ...

Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites of each other. Synthesis reactions are in the form AB → A + B, while decomposition reactions are in the form A + B → AB.
Synthesis and decomposition reactions are both neutralization reactions. Synthesis reactions are in the form AB → A + B, while decomposition reactions are in the form A + B → AB.
Synthesis and decomposition reactions are both neutralization reactions. Synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, while decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B.
Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites of each other. Synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, while decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B.


Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites of each other. Synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, while decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B.

The correct statement that compares synthesis and decomposition reactions is option d: "Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites of each other. Synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, while decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B."

To understand why this is the correct option, it is helpful to define and understand what synthesis and decomposition reactions are.

Synthesis reaction: A synthesis reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a more complex or larger substance. In general, the reaction can be represented as A + B → AB. This means that two or more reactants (A and B) combine to form a single product (AB).

Decomposition reaction: A decomposition reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a single compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. In general, the reaction can be represented as AB → A + B. This means that a single compound (AB) breaks down into two or more products (A and B).

In option d, it correctly states that synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, which aligns with the definition of a synthesis reaction. It also correctly states that decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B, which aligns with the definition of a decomposition reaction. Therefore, option d is the correct statement comparing synthesis and decomposition reactions.


Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites of each other. Synthesis reactions are in the form A + B → AB, while decomposition reactions are in the form AB → A + B.