blocks all trade with another country

taxes certain classes of imported or exported goods
limits the volume of goods imported from a foreign country

imposes quotas on the quantity of goods that can be imported from a particular country

imposes tariffs on certain imported goods, making them more expensive for consumers
implements embargoes or sanctions, completely prohibiting trade with another country
enforces customs regulations to control and monitor the flow of goods in and out of the country

The actions mentioned refer to different types of trade restrictions that a country can impose on another. Let's break them down step-by-step:

1. Blocking all trade with another country: This is known as a trade embargo, which involves a complete halt of all import and export activities between two countries. It is usually implemented for political, economic, or security reasons.

2. Imposing taxes on certain classes of imported or exported goods: This is known as tariffs. Tariffs are taxes levied on specific categories of goods when they are imported or exported. Governments use tariffs to protect domestic industries, regulate trade, or generate revenue.

3. Limiting the volume of goods imported from a foreign country: This can be done through quotas. Import quotas set a maximum limit on the quantity or value of goods that can be imported from a particular country. Quotas are often used to protect domestic industries, limit competition, or achieve broader policy objectives.

It's essential to note that these trade restrictions can have significant economic and political implications. Governments carefully consider their objectives and any potential consequences when implementing such measures.

The three terms you mentioned are all related to trade policies implemented by governments.

1. "Blocks all trade with another country" refers to an action known as trade embargo or trade sanctions. It is a policy where a government restricts or prohibits all types of trade (imports and exports) with a specific country. This can be done for various reasons, such as in response to political conflicts, human rights violations, or national security concerns. To find specific examples, you can search for countries that have enforced trade embargoes or sanctions in the past.

2. "Taxes certain classes of imported or exported goods" is commonly referred to as tariffs or customs duties. Tariffs are taxes imposed on specific goods when they cross a country's borders. The purpose of tariffs is to protect domestic industries, generate revenue for the government, or regulate trade. Governments may impose higher tariffs on certain classes of goods to make them more expensive for foreign countries and encourage domestic production. To see examples of goods that are subject to tariffs, you can explore the tariff schedules of specific countries' customs authorities.

3. "Limits the volume of goods imported from a foreign country" is a measure known as import quotas. An import quota is a restriction placed on the quantity or volume of specific goods that can be imported from a foreign country within a specific period. The purpose of import quotas is to protect domestic industries, maintain trade balance, or manage overconsumption of goods. To find examples of countries implementing import quotas, you can search for specific products or industries where quotas are in place.

It's important to note that while these trade policies can have economic and political impacts, they are subject to international agreements and regulations governed by organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO). The implementation and effects of these policies can vary across countries and change over time due to evolving trade relationships and political considerations.