Valeria was reading the news online and found a headline that had her immediately ready to pounce. She paused for a moment to consider if she was being lured into clickbait. What is the BEST example of one way that Valeria could determine if she is reading clickbait or not? (1 point) Responses She could use a dictionary. She could use a dictionary. She could fully research each article’s sources. She could fully research each article’s sources. She could call the author. She could call the author. She could look at the URL.

She could look at the URL.

The BEST example of one way that Valeria could determine if she is reading clickbait or not is to look at the URL.

The best way for Valeria to determine if she is reading clickbait or not is by looking at the URL of the article. Typically, clickbait articles have sensational or misleading headlines with URLs that do not match the content of the article or come from unreliable sources. By examining the URL, Valeria can get a sense of the credibility and trustworthiness of the source, helping her make an informed decision about the legitimacy of the article.