What organizational strategy would be used to write an Informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen?

A Classification
B Compare/contrast
C Cause/effect
D Definition

C Cause/effect

The organizational strategy that would be most suitable for writing an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen is the cause/effect strategy.

To structure your essay using the cause/effect strategy, you will need to start by discussing the causes of why it is important to wear sunscreen. For example, you can talk about the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin and the increased risk of skin cancer. You can also mention the negative consequences of sunburn, premature aging, and sun damage.

After discussing the causes, you can then focus on the effects of wearing sunscreen. This could include how sunscreen protects the skin from UV radiation, reduces the risk of skin cancer, prevents sunburn, and slows down the aging process caused by sun exposure.

Throughout your essay, make sure to provide factual evidence, statistics, and examples to support your points. Use a logical flow of information from cause to effect to help the reader understand the importance of wearing sunscreen.

In conclusion, by following the cause/effect organizational strategy, you can effectively explain why it is important to wear sunscreen in an informative essay.

The organizational strategy that would best be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen is C) Cause/effect. This strategy focuses on presenting the causes and effects of a particular topic. In this case, the causes could include exposure to harmful UV rays, skin damage, and the risk of skin cancer. The effects could include skin protection, reduced risk of sunburn, and maintaining healthy skin. By using the cause/effect strategy, the essay can effectively explain why wearing sunscreen is important by examining the causes and effects associated with it.