Drag and drop the economical characteristics to the correct region.

Other Caribbean Nations

#mixed market economies
#dominant command economy
limited natural resources
#tourism is an important part of the economy


- Mixed market economies
- Limited natural resources
- Tourism is an important part of the economy

Other Caribbean Nations:
- Dominant command economy

To determine the correct placement of the economical characteristics for Cuba and other Caribbean Nations, we need to understand the characteristics of each region.

1. Mixed market economies: A mixed market economy refers to an economic system that combines elements of both a command economy (where the government plays a significant role) and a market economy (where forces of supply and demand determine prices and the allocation of resources). This means that both private businesses and the government have a role in the economy.

2. Dominant command economy: A command economy is an economic system where the government controls most aspects of the economy, including resource allocation and production decisions, without significant involvement from private businesses or market forces.

3. Limited natural resources: This characteristic refers to an area or region having a scarcity of natural resources, such as minerals or fossil fuels, which can impact its economic development and growth.

4. Tourism is an important part of the economy: This characteristic suggests that tourism plays a significant role in the economic activities of a particular region, indicating that it is a major source of revenue, employment, and economic growth.

Now let's determine the placement for each region:

- Mixed market economies: Cuba has a mixed market economy where both private businesses and the government have a role in the economy. Therefore, we would place this characteristic in the Cuba column.

- Dominant command economy: Cuba also has elements of a command economy, where the government controls significant aspects of the economy. Therefore, we would place this characteristic in the Cuba column as well.

- Limited natural resources: Cuba does have limited natural resources compared to other countries, so this characteristic would also be placed in the Cuba column.

- Tourism is an important part of the economy: Although tourism is an important part of Cuba's economy, it is not specific to Cuba alone, as other Caribbean nations also heavily rely on tourism. Hence, this characteristic would be placed in the Other Caribbean Nations column.

Other Caribbean Nations:
- Mixed market economies: Similar to Cuba, many other Caribbean nations also have mixed market economies, where both private businesses and the government have a role in the economy. Therefore, we would place this characteristic in the Other Caribbean Nations column.

- Limited natural resources: This characteristic can vary among different Caribbean nations, but it is not solely specific to Cuba. Therefore, we would place this characteristic in the Other Caribbean Nations column as well.

- Tourism is an important part of the economy: As mentioned earlier, tourism is an important part of the economy for many Caribbean nations, including Cuba. Hence, we would place this characteristic in the Other Caribbean Nations column.

Using this information, we can now correctly place the economical characteristics for each region:

- Mixed market economies
- Dominant command economy
- Limited natural resources

Other Caribbean Nations:
- Mixed market economies
- Limited natural resources
- Tourism is an important part of the economy


#dominant command economy
limited natural resources
#tourism is an important part of the economy

Other Caribbean Nations
#mixed market economies