Which of these is a complete sentence? ( 1 point )

A.) Although the weather is sometimes warm in early March.
B.) Forecasters predicted six more weeks of winter this year.
C.) The old saying, " In like a lion, out like a lamb. "

B.) Forecasters predicted six more weeks of winter this year.

The complete sentence is:

B.) Forecasters predicted six more weeks of winter this year.

To determine which of these is a complete sentence, we need to understand what makes a sentence complete. A complete sentence, also known as an independent clause, must have a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or the information about the subject).

Let's analyze the options provided:

A.) Although the weather is sometimes warm in early March.
This sentence starts with a dependent clause ("Although the weather is sometimes warm in early March"), which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it doesn't express a complete thought. Therefore, option A is not a complete sentence.

B.) Forecasters predicted six more weeks of winter this year.
This sentence has both a subject ("Forecasters") and a predicate ("predicted six more weeks of winter this year"). It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone, making option B a complete sentence.

C.) The old saying, "In like a lion, out like a lamb."
This sentence is a noun phrase, not a complete sentence. It lacks a verb and a complete predicate. Therefore, option C is not a complete sentence.

Based on this analysis, option B, "Forecasters predicted six more weeks of winter this year," is the only complete sentence out of the given options.