A Buddhist book called the diamond sutra, printed around 868, C.E., is the oldest known printed book it was printed using Paige size panels of wood blocks. These bricks were carved by hand, which Chinese character known in reverse.

Which word or phrase describes relationship between ideas in the sentences?

1. Problem and solution.
2. Cause-and-effect.
3. Contrast.
4. Description.

3. Contrast.

The word or phrase that describes the relationship between ideas in the sentences is "Description."

In this case, the sentences are providing information and describing the process of printing the book called the Diamond Sutra. The sentences do not present a problem that needs a solution, nor do they provide a cause-and-effect relationship or a contrast between ideas. Instead, they are purely describing the historical context and method of printing the book. Therefore, the appropriate choice is "Description."

The word or phrase that describes the relationship between ideas in the sentences is "description." The sentences are providing information about the Buddhist book called the Diamond Sutra, its printing process using wood blocks, and the Chinese character known in reverse. There is no problem and solution, cause-and-effect, or contrast being presented in the sentences.