Based on the description of feudalism given in the lesson, analyze how Napoleon’s new ruling class resembled feudalistic relationships of Louis XVI’s time.(1 point)


Napoleon divided people between the Legion of Honor and taxpayers, similar to the Estates-General.
Napoleon divided people between the Legion of Honor and taxpayers, similar to the Estates-General.

Napoleon brought back the old ruling class that Louis XVI had used.
Napoleon brought back the old ruling class that Louis XVI had used.

Napoleon created the Council of the Ancients and the Council of 500, with himself at the top as consul.
Napoleon created the Council of the Ancients and the Council of 500, with himself at the top as consul.

Napoleon implemented a system in which he granted titles and land to people who would support him financially.

Napoleon implemented a system in which he granted titles and land to people who would support him financially. This is similar to feudalism in the sense that individuals were given land and privileges based on their loyalty and service to a higher authority, in this case, Napoleon.

Based on the description of feudalism, Napoleon’s new ruling class resembled feudalistic relationships of Louis XVI’s time in the following ways:

1. Napoleon divided people between the Legion of Honor and taxpayers, similar to the Estates-General. This division is similar to the social structure seen in feudalism, where individuals were categorized based on their status and obligations.

2. Napoleon brought back the old ruling class that Louis XVI had used. This suggests a return to a hierarchical system where power and privilege were concentrated in the hands of a select few, resembling the feudalistic relationships prevalent during Louis XVI's time.

3. Napoleon created the Council of the Ancients and the Council of 500, with himself at the top as consul. This echoes the concept of a central authority figure with subordinate bodies of governance, similar to the feudal lords and vassals relationship in which the lord held ultimate power.

4. Napoleon implemented a system in which he granted titles and land to people who would support him financially. This practice resembles the granting of fiefs by feudal lords in exchange for loyalty and military service, further reflecting the feudalistic relationships of Louis XVI's time.

To analyze how Napoleon’s new ruling class resembled feudalistic relationships of Louis XVI’s time, we need to understand the key characteristics of feudalism. Feudalism was a social and economic system that existed during the Middle Ages, where land was owned by lords and granted to vassals in exchange for military service and other obligations.

From the provided responses, the one that best aligns with the feudalistic relationships of Louis XVI’s time is the statement: "Napoleon implemented a system in which he granted titles and land to people who would support him financially." This aspect of Napoleon's rule resembles feudalism in several ways:

1. Land distribution: Like feudal lords, Napoleon distributed land among his loyal followers. By granting titles and land to those who supported him financially, Napoleon was able to ensure their loyalty and dependence on him.

2. Financial support: Similarly to the feudal system where vassals provided various forms of support, Napoleon relied on financial support from his followers. This economic dependence strengthened the bond between him and his ruling class, as well as reinforced their loyalty.

3. Hierarchical structure: Feudalism had a clear hierarchical structure, with the king at the top, followed by lords, vassals, and peasants. In a similar manner, Napoleon established a hierarchical structure where he held the highest position of power as consul, with the Council of the Ancients and the Council of 500 beneath him.

While the other responses touch on other aspects of Napoleon's rule, such as the division of people or the influence of the old ruling class, they do not directly relate to feudalism as much as the implementation of a system that granted titles and land in exchange for financial support.