With the rise o agriculture, children were viewed as _____, which made it important for them to learn how to work with planting, harvesting, and processing tools.

a. Teachers
b. Free agents
c. Workers
d. Hunters

c. Workers

c. Workers

The answer to the question is "c. Workers." During the rise of agriculture, children were viewed as important contributors to farm work. They were considered as laborers and expected to learn how to work with planting, harvesting, and processing tools.

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the context: The question mentions the rise of agriculture, which implies a historical period.

2. Analyze the given options: Among the options provided, "c. Workers" seems to be the most logical choice as it aligns with the expectation that children were expected to work on farms.

3. Rule out incorrect options: "a. Teachers" does not fit within the context as it refers to someone giving instructions rather than performing labor. "b. Free agents" is unlikely as children during this time were not free to choose their work. "d. Hunters" does not fit in the context of agriculture and does not align with the use of tools for planting and harvesting.

By evaluating the options and considering the context, the answer "c. Workers" is the most appropriate choice.