general vocabulary is used to do what? determine the audience, lead the reader to complex ideas, provide specific words, or creat strong metal pictures

General vocabulary is used to provide specific words.

General vocabulary is used to lead the reader to complex ideas.

When writing, using general vocabulary helps readers understand complex ideas by breaking them down into simpler terms. This allows the writer to communicate their message to a broader audience, as not everyone may be familiar with specialized terminology or intricate concepts. By using general vocabulary, authors can guide the reader through the thought process and gradually introduce more intricate ideas, making the content more accessible and easily comprehensible.

To use general vocabulary effectively, writers should consider the audience they are targeting, the level of familiarity their readers might have with the topic, and the purpose of their writing. By using common, everyday language, writers can make their ideas more relatable and understandable to a wider range of readers.

General vocabulary is primarily used to determine the audience and provide specific words. While it may indirectly lead the reader to complex ideas, its main purpose is to ensure that the intended audience can understand the content. Additionally, general vocabulary helps to convey ideas effectively by using words that are commonly understood by the majority of readers. It may not necessarily create strong mental pictures as that is more related to descriptive language and vivid imagery.