Which graphic best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe? (

O a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish
a diagram that shows types of cooking knives
a photograph that shows a cooked dish
O a chart that shows types of vegetables

The graphic that best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe would be a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish. This visual representation would provide a step-by-step guide, allowing the audience to see the actual process of preparing the recipe from start to finish.

The graphic that best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe would be a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish.

When it comes to explaining how to prepare a recipe, a video provides the most comprehensive and interactive experience for the audience. It allows viewers to see the cooking process in action, making it easier for them to understand and follow along. They can observe the techniques, ingredients, and progression of the recipe, enhancing their learning experience.

Furthermore, a video can provide additional cues such as voice narration or text overlays to guide viewers through the recipe. This combination of visual and auditory elements makes it easier for viewers to grasp the instructions and ensures that they don't miss any essential steps.

While other graphics like a diagram showing types of cooking knives, a photograph of a cooked dish, or a chart of types of vegetables can be informative and visually appealing, they do not provide the same level of guidance and instruction that a video can offer when explaining how to prepare a recipe.

The graphic that best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe would be a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish. Videos can provide a visual representation of each step in the cooking process, allowing the viewer to easily follow along and understand the instructions.