Which sentence would best develop the central idea that Harriet Tubman learned life lessons at a young age?(1 point) Responses She was taught how to distinguish the North Star and use it on her journeys to prevent becoming lost. She was taught how to distinguish the North Star and use it on her journeys to prevent becoming lost. She became a leading abolitionist. She became a leading abolitionist. She was born into slavery. She was born into slavery. She risked her life to lead family members and other slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad.

She risked her life to lead family members and other slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad.

The sentence that would best develop the central idea that Harriet Tubman learned life lessons at a young age is: She was taught how to distinguish the North Star and use it on her journeys to prevent becoming lost.

The sentence that would best develop the central idea that Harriet Tubman learned life lessons at a young age is: "She was taught how to distinguish the North Star and use it on her journeys to prevent becoming lost." This sentence shows that Tubman acquired important skills and knowledge early on, which would become crucial in her later endeavors as a conductor on the Underground Railroad. To find the answer, one can analyze the provided sentences and identify the one that directly relates to Tubman's early life lessons.