in 2 sentances can you describe

How did the Reconquista lead to the age of exploration?

The Reconquista, a series of military campaigns by Christian kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, resulted in the expulsion of the Moors and the unification of Spain, creating a stable and powerful monarchy that financed and supported the subsequent Age of Exploration in search of new trade routes and territories.

The Reconquista, a centuries-long campaign to retake Moorish-controlled territories in Spain, united the Christian kingdoms and created a sense of national pride and unity. This newfound unity and confidence, along with technological advancements and a desire for new trade routes, ultimately fueled the Age of Exploration as Europeans sought to expand their influence beyond the confines of Europe.

The Reconquista, a centuries-long effort by Christians to reclaim the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rule, led to the Age of Exploration by consolidating power and resources in the hands of Catholic monarchs, creating a unified Spain that had the means and motivation to fund and support ambitious overseas expeditions.