Sloan’s mom notices that Sloan has recently been spending every waking minute on her smartphone and appears to be exhausted as a result. She worries that Sloan may be suffering from a condition that occurs when people feel paralyzed by the amount of data they encounter in their daily lives. What term BEST describes this condition? (1 point) Responses anecdotal evidence anecdotal evidence rhetorical mode rhetorical mode misinformation misinformation information overload

information overload

The term that best describes the condition Sloan may be experiencing is "information overload."

The term that BEST describes the condition Sloan may be experiencing, where people feel paralyzed by the amount of data they encounter in their daily lives, is "information overload."

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the given information. The question states that Sloan's mom notices Sloan's excessive smartphone usage and exhaustion. The question also mentions that Sloan may be suffering from a condition related to feeling paralyzed by the amount of data encountered in daily life.

By understanding the common symptoms and effects of excessive smartphone usage and exhaustion, we can infer that the root cause of Sloan's condition is likely an overwhelming amount of information. This aligns with the concept of "information overload," where individuals become overwhelmed and struggle to process information due to its excessive amount.

Therefore, "information overload" is the term that BEST describes the condition Sloan may be experiencing.