3.2. An important part of preparing for the world of work is networking. After attending the Power of Networking webinar, state which source of power needed to possess and provide an example of how it is intend to use it to develop networks.

After attending the Power of Networking webinar, one source of power that I realized I needed to possess is informational power. Informational power refers to having access to knowledge or resources that others find valuable.

To develop networks, I plan to use informational power by actively seeking out opportunities to share useful information with others. For example, if I come across an article or a new trend in my field of work that could benefit others, I would proactively share it with my network. By regularly providing valuable information and insights, I hope to establish myself as a valuable resource within my network and increase my influence and connections. This will help me in building and strengthening my professional relationships, ultimately aiding in my career growth and success.

To answer this question, you need to gather information about the Power of Networking webinar and identify the source of power it discussed. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Review the materials: Go back to any notes, handouts, or recordings you have from the Power of Networking webinar. Look for any mention or discussion of different sources of power related to networking.

2. Research online: If you don't have access to the webinar materials, try doing a search online using the keywords "Power of Networking webinar" along with "source of power" or "types of power." Look for any articles, blog posts, or summaries that detail the key points from the webinar.

3. Check the event description: If the webinar had an official description or promotional materials, revisit those to see if they mentioned anything about the source of power discussed.

Once you have gathered the information about the source of power discussed in the webinar, you can provide an example of how it is intended to be used to develop networks.

To answer your question, the source of power needed to possess in order to develop networks is "referent power." Referent power is the influence that one person has over others because they are liked, respected, and admired.

An example of how referent power can be used to develop networks is by actively participating in professional organizations and associations related to your field of work. By getting involved in these groups, attending meetings, and contributing to discussions, you can showcase your expertise and build relationships with other professionals who have similar interests and goals. By being liked and respected within these networks, you can become a go-to person for information, referrals, and opportunities, ultimately strengthening your professional network.