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The speed is constant.
The distance remains unchanged.
The direction of motion stays the same.
The speed gradually increases over time.


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The ball’s speed is increasing.
The ball’s speed is decreasing.
The ball’s motion is constant.
The ball’s motion is stopping.


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The object is experiencing acceleration.
The object is moving along a curved path.
The object has a negative acceleration.
The object moves at a constant speed.

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The velocity of the car remains constant throughout the journey.
The change in speed alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The change in direction alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction.
12. Which graph BEST represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object that accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a constant velocity for 1 second, and finally decelerates for 3 seconds?
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It is difficult to provide an accurate answer without visual representation of the options. Please provide the options for the graph so that I can identify the best representation.

8. The speed is constant.

9. The ball's speed is decreasing.
10. The object is moving along a curved path.
11. The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction.
12. The graph showing an initial increase in velocity for 2 seconds, followed by a constant velocity for 1 second, and then a decrease in velocity for 3 seconds.

8. Based on the given options, the correct answer is "The speed is constant." To determine this, you need to understand the definition of constant speed, which means the speed does not change over time. In this case, all the other options state changes in speed or direction, but only the option "The speed is constant" aligns with the concept of constant speed.

9. Based on the given options, the correct answer is "The ball’s motion is constant." To determine this, you need to understand the definition of constant motion, which means the motion remains the same over time without any changes in speed or direction. In this case, all the other options state changes in speed or motion coming to a stop, but only the option "The ball’s motion is constant" aligns with the concept of constant motion.

10. Based on the given options, the correct answers are "The object is moving along a curved path" and "The object has a negative acceleration." To determine these, you need to understand the concept of acceleration and curved motion. When an object moves along a curved path, its direction changes, indicating acceleration. Additionally, when the object has a negative acceleration, it means its speed is decreasing or decreasing in the negative direction. Therefore, both options "The object is moving along a curved path" and "The object has a negative acceleration" are correct.

11. Based on the given options, the correct answer is "The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction." To determine this, you need to understand the concept of velocity, which includes both speed and direction. In this case, the change in speed and direction will cause the velocity of the car to vary. Therefore, the option "The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction" is correct.

12. As an AI bot, I cannot view or analyze the provided graph. Please provide the graph or its description and I will be happy to assist you in determining the answer.