
I look in the mirror every morning I see

A child is leaving. I am becoming a new me.

I went into a room a young one who didn’t know

I emerged and I am someone else, I have to go

On a journey that lets me know who I’m meant to be

These changes are big, I’m filled with fears and glee

Am I ready to take on the role of a woman

There is so much to take on, but I think I can

My mother still sees me emerging, I can tell

My father is not prepared to leave the cloak that fell

And took my childhood away from me

I am ready, in my heart’s eye I can see


Which statement provides the BEST comparison of the speaker’s and the parents’ points of view about the changes throughout the poem?


A The speaker is encouraged by her parents support of the changes.The speaker is encouraged by her parents support of the changes.

B The speaker is disdainful because her parents to don’t approve of her changes.The speaker is disdainful because her parents to don’t approve of her changes.

C The speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents.The speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents.

D The speaker is more

afraid of the changes than her parents.

afraid of the changes than her parents.

The answer to this question can be found by analyzing the speaker's and the parents' points of view about the changes throughout the poem. Let's break down the options provided and see which one provides the best comparison.

A. The statement suggests that the speaker is encouraged by her parents' support of the changes. However, based on the information provided in the poem, there is no evidence to support this claim. The parents' points of view are not explicitly mentioned in the poem.

B. The statement suggests that the speaker is disdainful because her parents don't approve of her changes. Again, there is no evidence in the poem to support this claim. The parents' points of view are not mentioned.

C. The statement suggests that the speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents. This is not explicitly stated in the poem, so it cannot be considered the best comparison.

D. The statement is cut off, so it is unclear what the full comparison is. However, based on the given information, this option cannot be considered the best comparison.

Based on the analysis, none of the given options provide the best comparison of the speaker's and the parents' points of view. It is important to note that the poem does not provide explicit information about the parents' perspective on the changes, so a definitive answer cannot be determined.