A chicken sandwich costs $4.50. There is an additional tax of $0.27. What is the percentage of tax?(1 point)






The correct answer is 6%.

To calculate the percentage of tax, we divide the tax amount ($0.27) by the cost of the chicken sandwich ($4.50) and then multiply by 100.

($0.27 / $4.50) * 100 = 0.06 * 100 = 6%.

To find the percentage of tax, we need to divide the tax amount by the total cost of the sandwich and then multiply by 100.

Tax amount = $0.27
Total cost of the sandwich = $4.50

Percentage of tax = (Tax amount / Total cost of the sandwich) * 100

Percentage of tax = ($0.27 / $4.50) * 100 = 6%

So, the correct answer is 6%.

To find the percentage of tax, you need to divide the tax amount by the cost of the chicken sandwich and then multiply by 100.

First, add the cost of the chicken sandwich and the additional tax to find the total cost:
$4.50 + $0.27 = $4.77

Next, find the percentage of tax by dividing the tax amount by the total cost:
$0.27 / $4.77 = 0.0567

Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
0.0567 * 100 = 5.67%

Therefore, the correct answer is 5.67%.