In what way does this image relate to Tecumseh’s opinion about the relationship between Native Americans and white settlers? (1 point) Responses It shows the cultural exchange that Tecumseh supported. It shows the cultural exchange that Tecumseh supported. It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized. It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized. It shows Native Americans learning from whites, which Tecumseh encouraged. It shows Native Americans learning from whites, which Tecumseh encouraged. It shows whites taking advantage of Native Americans, white

settlers taking advantage of Native Americans, which Tecumseh criticized.

The image is not provided, so it is not possible to determine how it specifically relates to Tecumseh's opinion about the relationship between Native Americans and white settlers.

To determine which of the given options best relates to Tecumseh's opinion about the relationship between Native Americans and white settlers, you will need to have some knowledge of Tecumseh's views and analyze the image provided.

Tecumseh was a Shawnee chief who advocated for Native American unity and resistance against the encroachment of white settlers on Native American lands. He believed in preserving Native American culture and resisting assimilation.

Looking at the image and the given options, you can eliminate the options that may not align with Tecumseh's views.

The options stating "cultural exchange that Tecumseh supported" can be eliminated because Tecumseh aimed to preserve Native American culture rather than encourage cultural exchange with white settlers.

The options stating "dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized" may align more closely with Tecumseh's views. Tecumseh was critical of Native Americans being reliant on or influenced by white settlers.

The options stating "Native Americans learning from whites, which Tecumseh encouraged" can be eliminated as Tecumseh aimed to protect Native American culture rather than encouraging assimilation or learning from white settlers.

The option stating "whites taking advantage of Native Americans" in the image might align with Tecumseh's views if he criticized the exploitative nature of the relationship between Native Americans and white settlers.

Based on the information provided, the most likely answer would be "It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized."