Consider the expression (16-12)^2 +5(8+2)^2 /5^3 -(1+4)^2 Whats the simplified numerator

To simplify the numerator, we need to evaluate the expression inside the parenthesis and then perform the necessary calculations.

Step 1: Evaluate the expression inside the first parenthesis:
(16-12) = 4

Step 2: Evaluate the expression inside the second parenthesis:
(8+2) = 10

Step 3: Perform the calculations inside the numerator:
(16-12)^2 + 5(8+2)^2 = 4^2 + 5(10)^2 = 16 + 5(100) = 16 + 500 = 516

Therefore, the simplified numerator is 516.

To simplify the numerator, we need to evaluate each term of the expression.

Let's break down the expression step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate (16-12)^2
(16-12) = 4
4^2 = 16

Step 2: Evaluate (8+2)^2
(8+2) = 10
10^2 = 100

Step 3: Multiply 5 by the result of step 2
5 * 100 = 500

Step 4: Evaluate 5^3
5^3 = 125

Step 5: Evaluate (1+4)^2
(1+4) = 5
5^2 = 25

Now, let's put the simplified terms together:

16 + 500 / 125 - 25

Next, perform the division:

16 + 4 - 25

Now, add and subtract:

20 - 25 = -5

Therefore, the simplified numerator is -5.

To simplify the numerator of the expression, we need to evaluate each operation separately and combine like terms.

Given expression: (16-12)^2 + 5(8+2)^2 / 5^3 - (1+4)^2

Step 1: Evaluate the exponentials
(16-12)^2 = 4^2 = 16
(8+2)^2 = 10^2 = 100
(1+4)^2 = 5^2 = 25

Updated expression: 16 + 5(100) / 5^3 - 25

Step 2: Evaluate multiplication and division
5(100) = 500
5^3 = 5 * 5 * 5 = 125

Updated expression: 16 + 500 / 125 - 25

Step 3: Evaluate addition and subtraction
500 / 125 = 4

Updated expression: 16 + 4 - 25

Step 4: Simplify further
16 + 4 = 20

Updated expression: 20 - 25

Step 5: Evaluate subtraction
20 - 25 = -5

Therefore, the simplified numerator of the expression is -5.