Find the cubic root 56.

The cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.79.

To find the cubic root of 56, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by making an initial guess for the cubic root. Let's say we guess that the cubic root of 56 is 3.

Step 2: Use the guess to refine the result. Divide 56 by the square of the guess from step 1.

56 / (3^2) = 56 / 9 = 6.22

Step 3: Average the result from step 2 with the guess from step 1.

(3 + 6.22) / 2 = 4.61

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the result has converged to the desired accuracy.

56 / (4.61^2) = 2.37
(4.61 + 2.37) / 2 = 3.49
56 / (3.49^2) = 4.55
(3.49 + 4.55) / 2 = 4.02
56 / (4.02^2) = 3.49
(4.02 + 3.49) / 2 = 3.75
56 / (3.75^2) = 3.15
(3.75 + 3.15) / 2 = 3.45
56 / (3.45^2) = 3.28
(3.45 + 3.28) / 2 = 3.37
56 / (3.37^2) = 3.38
(3.37 + 3.38) / 2 = 3.38

Step 5: Repeat step 4 until the result remains the same after averaging.

In this case, the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.38.

To find the cubic root of 56, you can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually. Here's how to do it manually:

1. Start by making an initial guess for the cubic root. Let's start with 3.

2. Cubing the guess: 3^3 = 27.

3. Compare the cubed guess with the given number 56.
- If the cubed guess is equal to 56, then 3 is the cubic root of 56.
- If the cubed guess is less than 56, we need to increase the guess.
- If the cubed guess is greater than 56, we need to decrease the guess.

4. Since 27 is less than 56, we need to increase the guess. Let's try 4.

5. Cubing the new guess: 4^3 = 64.

6. Comparing the cubed guess with 56:
- The cubed guess is greater than 56, so we need to decrease the guess.

7. Let's now try a guess of 3.5.

8. Cubing the new guess: 3.5^3 ≈ 42.875.

9. Comparing the cubed guess with 56:
- The cubed guess is less than 56, so we need to increase the guess.

10. Let's try a guess of 3.75.

11. Cubing the new guess: 3.75^3 ≈ 52.734375.

12. Comparing the cubed guess with 56:
- The cubed guess is less than 56, so we need to increase the guess.

13. Let's try a guess of 3.8.

14. Cubing the new guess: 3.8^3 ≈ 54.872.

15. Comparing the cubed guess with 56:
- The cubed guess is less than 56, so we need to increase the guess.

16. Let's try a guess of 3.9.

17. Cubing the new guess: 3.9^3 ≈ 59.319.

18. Comparing the cubed guess with 56:
- The cubed guess is greater than 56, so we need to decrease the guess.

19. To refine the guess further, repeat steps 15-18 with smaller increments or use a calculator.

By repeating the steps, you can narrow down the range of possible roots until you find an approximate value for the cubic root of 56. In this case, the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.9.