The Dominican Republic has a professional basketball league similar to the NBA in the U.S. What is this league called?

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LIDOBA (Liga de Baloncesto Profesional de la República Dominicana) is the professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic.

To find out the name of the professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic, you have a few options:

1. Use a search engine: Start by searching for "professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic" or similar keywords on your preferred search engine (e.g., Google). This should provide you with relevant results mentioning the name of the league.

2. Check reliable sports websites: Visit sports websites that cover basketball leagues and international basketball competitions. These sites usually have comprehensive information about different leagues worldwide, including the Dominican Republic's basketball league. Look for articles, league overviews, or dedicated sections about the Dominican Republic basketball league.

3. Consult official sources: Visit the official website of the Dominican Republic basketball league, if available. Check for news updates, team information, and league details.

By utilizing these methods, you should be able to find the correct name of the professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic, which is LIDOBA (Liga de Baloncesto Profesional).

The professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic is called LIDOBA.