The Dominican Republic has a professional basketball league similar to the NBA in the U.S. What is this league called?

The professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic is called Liga Nacional de Baloncesto (National Basketball League), often abbreviated as LNB.

The professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic is called the Liga Nacional de Baloncesto (National Basketball League), commonly known as the LNB.

The professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic is called the "Liga Nacional de Baloncesto" (National Basketball League), commonly known as the LNB. If you're trying to find the answer to similar questions like this, one way to go about it is by conducting a search engine query. By typing in "professional basketball league in the Dominican Republic" or a similar phrase into a search engine like Google, you would easily find the name of the league in the search results. It's always helpful to use specific keywords or phrases related to the topic you're looking for to obtain accurate results.