As the Earth obits the Sun, a nearby star will appear to move against the more distant background stars. The star's apparent motion is called ________________. (1 point) Responses retrograde motion retrograde motion stellar parallax stellar parallax orbit acceleration orbit acceleration prism diffusion prism diffusion

stellar parallax

The star's apparent motion is called stellar parallax.

The correct answer is "stellar parallax."

Stellar parallax refers to the apparent shift or movement of a nearby star against the more distant background stars as the Earth orbits around the Sun. This shift occurs due to the change in the observer's perspective from different points in Earth's orbit. To observe stellar parallax, astronomers use a technique called triangulation.

Explanation of how to find the answer:

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the question: The question is asking for the term that describes the apparent motion of a nearby star as the Earth orbits the Sun.

2. Consider the options: The given options are "retrograde motion," "stellar parallax," "orbit acceleration," and "prism diffusion."

3. Eliminate the incorrect options: Retrograde motion refers to the temporary apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit. Orbit acceleration is not related to the apparent motion of stars. Prism diffusion is not a relevant term in this context.

4. Analyze the remaining options: "Stellar parallax" is the only option left. It accurately describes the apparent motion of a nearby star due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

5. Choose the correct answer: Based on the analysis, the correct answer is "stellar parallax."