
What is the name of the biggest university system in Honduras?
(1 point)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tegucigalpa
Universidades en Honduras
Escuelas Autónomas de Tegucigalpa

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

The name of the biggest university system in Honduras is Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information about the university systems in Honduras.
2. Look for the names and details of the different university systems in the country.
3. Identify the university system that is considered the largest based on factors such as the number of campuses, students, or faculty.
4. Once you have determined which university system is the largest, you can provide the name as the answer.

Based on the provided options, the correct answer is:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.