The philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle shared what common belief?

A democracy is the best form of ruling the massesdemocracy is the best form of ruling the masses
B the military rulers should control the governmentthe military rulers should control the government
C average people were not qualified to rule themselvesaverage people were not qualified to rule themselves
D all Greeks should use the Gods as models for their lives

C average people were not qualified to rule themselves

The correct answer is C) average people were not qualified to rule themselves.

To arrive at this answer, you can approach it by analyzing the beliefs and teachings of each philosopher individually:

1. Socrates: Socrates believed in the importance of wisdom and knowledge. He argued that true wisdom is having the awareness of one's own ignorance. Socrates questioned the knowledge and understanding of others, aiming to guide them towards self-discovery and critical thinking.

2. Plato: Plato was a student of Socrates and founded the Academy. He wrote extensively on various topics, including politics and philosophy. Plato believed in the concept of an ideal state, which he described in his work "The Republic." In this ideal state, Plato argued that philosopher-kings, or the intellectually elite, should govern the society, as they possess the wisdom and knowledge to make the best decisions for the welfare of the people. Plato's ideal state suggests a skepticism towards the ability of average people to govern themselves effectively.

3. Aristotle: Aristotle, another student of Plato, developed his own philosophical theories. Aristotle believed in the concept of "polity" or a mixed form of government, which is a combination of democracy and oligarchy. He acknowledged the roles of both the masses and the educated elite in governance, emphasizing the importance of a middle-class citizenry in maintaining stability and balance.

From these teachings, it is evident that all three philosophers shared the belief that average people were not qualified to rule themselves effectively. They believed that knowledge, wisdom, and intellectually elite individuals were better suited for governance and decision-making. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

C average people were not qualified to rule themselves